Thursday 7 January 2016

Starting another Fitness Challenge

Hey everybody!

Monday started a new challenge in the Nerdfitness Forums and as it was just the moment I started this blog, I signed up and created my thread there too. It's completely free and just implies wrinting up 3 habit goals you want to achieve during the challenge, one for nutrition, one for fitness and one for other life issues. Go, and check out my thread if you want!

It's my 6th challenge and last year, those challenges really had an huge impact on me and not only that: my husband also joined in and we did some household challenges together. I didn't have the time to prepare one with him this time, but the habits we built stick around for several months now and we have a weekly planner - not only for meals but also for everyone's chores.

Are you interested in knowing my current challenge goals?
1.: Nutrition
I'm working towards restricting to snack - already I do not permit myself a snack between breakfast and lunch - but I went back to having a small breakfast because I'm working in the harsh cold outside in the morning and if I don't eat anything, I'm completely starving at noon and my mood is really bad. For the afternoon I usually have 1-2 snacks but I could do less.

The point here is not the quantity of snacks - it's to take over control of my eating habits - to not always have to take a piece of something, just because it looks good - I can eat to my fill, but I will not allow myself to slip out of control!!!

This is why I additionally track my food and convert the calories!

2.: Fitness
I really got inspired by my father to do some biking - I always liked it and I want just to make a small ride - but because there isn't any nice parcours around my house I always neglect it - so this challenge I want to work towards taking the bike once a week to ride to my workplace (about 3 km).

For this week, I made the goal to a) check and clean the bike and b) make a small ride of about 1,5 km to see how it feels. I still didn't do it, so make sure to check in with me on Sunday!

3.: Other
I decided I wanted to solidify my dental care and be very strict to brush my teeth everyday - i often neglect this. It might seem simple, but it really is so important!!!

So, those are my goals and I'm pretty happy till now - I had some slips, but other things went better than I thought.

Do you want to try a challenge? Did you ever do one?

What do you think about my goals?

Check on me on tumblr, twitter and youtube and read me again on Sunday!


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