Sunday, 21 August 2016

From Workaholic to Work-Life-Balance

I think this is some common topic in today's generation: feeling the urge to optimize your habits and at the same time staying healthy not only physically but also mentally.

After having a heavy emotional feeling throughout the last weeks, not getting out the negativity, I realized today, that I really need to take time also for my comfort zone. Everybody is talking about getting out of it, but you know, it's there where we take our energy from.

Of course, building up our discipline is really worth it, but if we start to forget where we came from, what relaxation is and notice, that our mind is constantly wrapped around the thing to do next, negativity easily creeps in.

So, I will look out for the things I really enjoy - that are not only there to make myself get rest because I feel so exhausted, like watching TV or playing League of Legends.

I love to sing, I really do - I love to be with my horses - I love to draw - I like to talk about philosophy - I like to read dramatic books ...

I guess there's a lot more and it's my new quest, to find out, what really makes my heart jump about in joy.

Here's a video of the designer Roberto Blake that I watch regularly and where he's talking about the same thing I mentioned:

Wednesday, 17 August 2016

Summer Update of my weight loss journey and 3 lifehacks - Elanor's Journ...

Summer Update of my weight loss journey and 3 exclusive tips to make weight loss more enjoyable - Elanor's Journey #12

After some months, I'm updating my weight loss progress after many ups and downs and yoyoing I finally start to find my balance and motivation again.

In this video I include an overview of my eating habits at the moment for a balanced breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks, as well as for my exercise goals. And I will tell you some simple life hacks to make your weight loss meals more enjoyable and delicious while filling you up and being rich in protein and low in carbs.

Check out my article about my top 7 breakfast options for weight loss on my blog: http://elanorthefairsjourney.blogspot...

Go and see me drawing in my new channel:

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Twitter: @ElanortheFair
Instagram: elanorsjourney